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"Excellent read. If you aren't familiar with the advanced ancient civilization theory then this book will be a mind blower. For those of us that read the researchers' material this has been a real ' read. stop. google search. read. stop. gooogle search.' book. A refreshing, enthusiastic study of our possible ancient past. If you have seen Dr kos' youtube channel then you will be reading this book in an Aussie accent..." Danny

"Dr Kos does an excellent job, providing compelling arguments for alternative interpretations of our ancient past. Whilst it should of course be taken with a pinch of salt, if even only a fraction of the claims are true it is still mind blowing! Easy to read, not easy to put down, and as addictive as his YouTube videos. Disclaimer: Not for the closed minded!" Russel


Pyramid Book

In Search of the Origin of Pyramids and the Lost Gods of Giza.

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This, has not been suitably explained, and is not as simple as we think it to be. I was determined to find what it was all about...!


  • The gist of the book is to prove that Giza represents a temple from an "older" civilization than can be represented by mere "Egyptian Gods"... The Civilization of the Giza pyramids were uninterested in "masses of Egyptian inscriptions." They had religious ideas which were partly a hybrid of "Old Europe's" religious ideas, deriving from the Vinca, with other African, Asian and indigenous ideas.

  • The number THREE is "very special" at Giza, including the use of three `queens'(?) pyramids each for the Khufu and Menkaura pyramids. The Three Giza Pyramids are possibly or even likely a representation of the neolithic Triple Goddess, also known as the Great Goddess. She was responsible for the triple attributes of Birth, Death, and Resurrection, with each pyramid as a different aspect. She assisted in childbirth and fertility = TRINITY WORSHIP, which the Latin/Greek/Levant religions inherited and introduced into Christianity. In this way, Rome represents a Successor-city to Giza, as capital of the Trinity Religion in Europe!

  • The cult which remained at Giza became the cult of the Goddess Isis, by Roman times. Goddess Isis became the major deity of Giza, deriving from the Stone-Age. There was an earlier 'Triple Goddess' whose name we do not know.

  • Everyone "knows" the pyramids are not really burial chambers.. but 'at least' something 'more', They actually seem to be permanent resting places of the gods and their goddess consorts, built to center them in Egypt, forever. It 'forces' them (as above so below) to reside in Egypt, perhaps in competition with other less-spectacular mounds found elsewhere, and provide fertility for all the land. A comprehensive mythology exists describing helpful gods resting forever in mounds, or under the ground, from Buddha to Merlin. The lost tombs of the Egyptian Kings would however be located nearby. This explains the 'paradox' of no burials in any Egyptian pyramid, and in other huge pyramids and mounds around the world.

  • Herodotus points out that Khufu did not approve of the Egyptian Gods. (He hated them) Menkaura, the final worker on the site of Giza, supposedly reverted to the Egyptian gods, and in fact he left his component of the work at Giza incomplete.
    Testimonials from Amazon!

    "Extraordinarily insightful. Love this book, and all of Kos's work to date." (Verified Purchase)

    "Dr Kos presents his thoroughly researched work in an engaging style that makes the reader wish he or she had the privilege of speaking to the author in person to further explore so many different concepts and intriguing worldviews of forgotten peoples. Highly recommended." Barbara

    Self Help Books, by Dr Charles!

    Public Speaking is Easier Than You Think.

    Ok it's not the greatest but it's OK!

    Success is Easier Than You Think

    Meh, it's OK too!

    Ok, so why are current theories about pyramids wrong?

    Exhibit A: Current Giza theories are insular and incomplete, ignoring tribal migrations and the nearby Eurasian religion of the Indo-Europeans and (not so near) Amerindians, great mound and pyramid builders with something unknown in common

    Aug, 15, with a second proof copy, plus Jason Statham beard = win!


    In my book, I have come to a conclusion which satisfies myself regarding what is going on at Giza, and it fits in with what we know about other primordial mythologies, outside of Egypt, where pyramids were built.

  • Egyptian pyramids are the local version of a mound cult which spanned Ireland to Brazil.

  • The Giza pyramids are the latest and greatest structures on their site, but not the first.

  • The Giza pyramids are the "last desperate cry" of a 'trinity cult' which was vanishing even while they were being built.

  • The Sphinx represents a dog and its cult was becoming extinct elsewhere by the time the Pyramids were built, to be replaced by the lion.

  • The Three Giza pyramids are a temple to the three time-dependent aspects of the Neolithic Triple Goddess. The dog (the Sphinx) was her consort. She was there to assist the dead with resurrection, as well as to protect fertility in Egypt, promoting stability.

  • The Kings are presumably buried on site, possibly in the adjoining royal mastaba cemetary. This resolves the paradox of two types of burial at the same time, pyramid and mastaba. Khufu may have been buried in a nearby shaft, as suggested by Herodotus.

  • I would hope that my book goes a little way towards providing a new foundation, for future work, towards what pyramids were really perhaps all about, originally anyway, or at least one of the major reasons for their construction. The aim is to establish the notion of migratory hunter gatherers, moving around and settling down before the dawn of history, in about 3100 BC. These proto-agricultural people had not quite done with their migratory ways. Huge climatic changes between the end of the Ice Age and the dawn of history, and subsequent movements, forced the design of pyramids according to varying ideologies, but with environmental and material limitations.

    Naturally, I try to investigate the old gods of this period, approximately 6000-3000 BC, from whatever anthropological material is available, and suggest which gods were worshipped in possible pyramid ceremonies, when, and why.

    I hope you will enjoy reading my book. I have certainly put a lot of work into it.

    For more information, please see the link above.


    1. Marija Gimbutas, The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, University of California Press, 1982.

    2. Kos, Charles, In Search of the Origin of Pyramids and the Lost Gods of Giza, Plus Ultra Books, 2015.
      (My quest for a proper explanation of Giza, with conclusions)

    3. Temple, Robert, The Sphinx Mystery, Inner Traditions, 2009.
      (The first book to reveal the Sphinx as dog)

    Biographical note...

    Name: Charles Kos. I completed a PhD, Remembering the Outlaw in Medieval England: The emergence of the Robin Hood legend, was accepted in July 2014. It basically identifies a point of origin for the Robin Hood mythology, in terms of a historical character, who might be termed an early 'Robin Hood.' In my 20s, I have run in two local council elections, including notable gains against an incumbent mayor, while finishing several university degrees. I have run a tours buinsess and sold mortgages as a broker. Currently tutoring.


    Completed education:
    B.Sc, B.A (hons), PhD., the OFFICIAL BOOK WEBSITE
    My Ancient Mysteries blog (Important link!)
    My book on Amazon. Kindle also avail! 'buy a copy!'
    My Amazon Author's page
    Click 'LIKE', please, for updates! My facebook page: CharlesKosPhD
    CHANNEL BACKUP, ALL VIDEOS on ODYSEE, a New and Promising Platform.

    Photos: Travel and Assorted

    Me standing with Medb's tomb in a remote part of Ireland, mid 2014. Absolutely remarkable! An 11 meter high `pyramid' on top of a mountain. I was struck by a similarity with the Bible quote about needing to build a tower close to God. What's the old `Babel' religion doing in Ireland? It turns out that rather than a scenario of diffusion of myth from the Middle East, the Bible somehow intercepted, recorded and interpreted Stone-Age Eurasian myth, lost elsewhere.


    Hill of Tara, eat your heart out! This is the real deal right here, and not another tourist in sight! I am at the Stone-Age wonderland of Knocknarea in a remote and mythological part of Ireland. I was so taken with the similarities on this plateau, with what is going on at Giza, that I decided to research and write a book on the origin of pyramids. This was in order to get to the bottom of the pyramid mystery. It is entitled `In Search of the Origin of Pyramids, and the Lost Gods of Giza.'It contains some very startling conclusions. (See Below!)

    Me at my graduation, 2014. This was the best day of my life! All us Phds sat up on stage during the graduation, in pride of place!


    Me, circa 2012, in my version of an Indy hat. I used to wear this for photos due to my losing hair. Of course you walk into remote villages wearing this and people stare quite a lot.

    Me in 2014, Exploring a stone-age tomb at Bru na Brinne, Ireland. The tomb dates from about 3200 BC. Ireland is jam-packed with absolutely fascinating people, and fascinating tourists.



    Many ruined monasteries have these little `secret areas' where the curators stow away all the old bits and pieces! Sometimes these are from the previous religious structure and can surprisingly include ancient gods and dark-ages depictions of religion.

    Any Questions... anything at all?

    Contact would be much appreciated!

    Official Forum!

    The Mysterium

    For Discussion about anything Video or Ancient-Mystery related!



  • Kos, Charles, Robin Hood: Between Myth and History, (Honours Dissertation), 2007.

  • Discoveries and new insights on the Robin Hood legend.

  • Kos, Charles, "Aboriginal Archaeoastronomy", Crux, Dec/Jan 2015, 5-7. (Astronomy club magazine) PDF

    Investigations of sites of archaeoastronomy in central west Victoria. In particular the earth rings at Sunbury, now shown to have possible archaeastronomical purpose, as well as at a volcano site, site of an ancient stone circle!

  • Kos, Charles, "English Medieval Monks Could have calculated Longitude by Eclipse. Why didn't they?", Crux, Apr/May 2016, 6-8. (Astronomy club magazine) PDF

    Explaining that the proximity of to England in terms of Longitude to the university of Toledo did not allow enough hourly deviation in eclipses to formulate a new model of the globe's dimensions. Once we sailed out towards America, hourly deviation of lunar eclipses allowed an approximate of the true size of the Earth.

  • Kos, Charles, "High-power magnifiers: Would they have been useful to ancient scientists and engineers? Did they use them?", Microbehunter Magazine (Issue 53), 2016.

    In this article, I discuss my experiments with geopolymer (possibly pyramid stone?) as well as some speculation that early glass sphere microscopes yielding high magnification might have been used by ancient engineers. LINK to online mag! Microbe Hunter

  • Kos, Charles, "UFOs and their Motion, Understood by Electric Universe and Astronomy?", UFOLOGIST Vol. 20 No. 4, November-December, 2016. PDF

    In this article, I explain my theory of the UFO phenomenon as a kind of natural ball lightning, with astronomy analogy. The implications are that ball lightnings, (larger versions resemble many UFOs, are subsets of stellar phenomena, according to the Plasma Cosmological Model (Hans Alfven, Nobel Prize physics: 1970) There is an ascending energy ladder operating in the universe, similar objects, none of them totally understood: which we can mathematically scale upwards: similar phenomena, ghost orb, ball lightning, UFO, planet (under our crust), Star.

  • Select Blog Articles

    Is the Meidum Pyramid, the collapsed tower of Babel?

    Here I discuss a rather interesting theory I came up with!


    This is my article on EARTH IMPLOSION THEORY, something I am very recently excited about, as a way of explaining many anomalies of the past

    Giza Trinity Theory

    This is my article on GIZA TRINITY THEORY.

    Giza Trinity Theory

    An article I just wrote as of Aug/2020. Feedback: "Dear Charles, I'm 100% in agreement with you on your well researched and written article, I have read it once and I will read it again. The jigsaw of ancient history is finally being pieced together. You've nailed it, or put us nearer the truth. I admire everyone in real pursuit of our pre history."


  • Kos, Charles Robert, Remembering the outlaw in Medieval England: the emergence of the Robin Hood legend, Thesis (Doctorate), Monash University. Faculty of Arts. School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies, 2014.

  • Further information and discoveries on the Robin Hood legend.

  • Kos, Charles, In Search of the Origin of Pyramids, And the Lost Gods of Giza, Plus Ultra Books: Melbourne, 2015.

  • Purchase now

    Updates, 2024, New book coming, I may put them up on patron as files for fans to read

    Affiliations/Memberships and other links

    I am a member of the:

    Golden Key International Honour Society,
    The Astronomical Society of Victoria,
    National Trust of Australia.

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    Best regards, Charles.

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